BOOM: MGT Wrecks Vindman in Brutally Honest Tweet
Alex Vindman, the Lieutenant Colonel that has been such a thorn in the side of conservatives by constantly pushing anything and everything having to do with Russia and Ukraine, demanding that all Americans get as hyped up about war with the Russians as he is.

Alex Vindman, the Lieutenant Colonel that has been such a thorn in the side of conservatives by constantly pushing anything and everything having to do with Russia and Ukraine, demanding that all Americans get as hyped up about war with the Russians as he is.
So, it’s well past time that someone finally deals with him and takes on the mealy-mouthed officer that’s done so much to push us toward worse relations with Russia and worked so hard to create a situation where American mothers and fathers have to send off their kids to die in Ukraine.
Wayne Dupree’s site, blasting him for that, particularly his calls for war while he himself is more than a bit out of fighting shape, said:
“Why doesn’t Alex suit up and go fight?
Put down the bag of chips, turn off your CNN “zoom call” and go fight for your country, buddy, and take your twin brother with you.
But instead of doing that, Vindman sits online all day trolling anyone who isn’t “down” with a Nuclear war.”
In his view, everyone who doesn’t want to watch their kids fight and die for the “sovereignty” of some oligarch run shithole, everyone who doesn’t want to watch their children perish in the frozen mud of Donetsk or rubble strew streets of Kiev is a traitor.
And it’s not only Vindman that thinks that; all of the leftists do. They want to send your kids to die for nothing and will damn you for not agreeing with them.
All that is to say that Vindman well deserves to be skewered. In fact, that’s far too litte.
In any case, Georgia Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene did an excellent job of hitting him with a well-deserved takedown, saying what many patriots need to have said a long, long time ago.
Here’s what happened:
First, MGT posted a series of tweets taking down Biden for his shamefully poor response to the Ukraine situation, saying:
1. Tragically, people are dying because of Biden’s poor decision making leading up to Putin declaring war on Ukraine. Biden’s weakness and failure as a leader not only has put America last but is a danger to the entire world.
We can not put American lives at risk under the same failed leadership who ran the Afghanistan withdrawal disaster.
We have to put America First.
We can not put American lives at risk under the same failed leadership who ran the Afghanistan withdrawal disaster.
We have to put America First.
— Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (@RepMTG) March 6, 2022
Then, Vindman responded viciously, hitting her by saying “Nope. It’s because you and your pro-Putin party encouraged Putin to invade, by cheerleading him. Worse yet, you undermined @POTUS efforts to signal punishing costs… you undermined U.S. efforts deter the war. You have blood in your hands. The American people will not forget.”
Finally, rather than retreat in the face of his vitriol and ridiculous claim, MGT slapped back, hitting him hard by saying:
This clown wants to drag Americans into war with Russia with his big tough tweets and his zoom interviews on CNN.
Go ahead and go fight yourself since you’re from Ukraine.
You are clueless about Americans being fed up with sending our sons and daughters to die in foreign lands.
This clown wants to drag Americans into war with Russia with his big tough tweets and his zoom interviews on CNN.
Go ahead and go fight yourself since you’re from Ukraine.
You are clueless about Americans being fed up with sending our sons and daughters to die in foreign lands.
— Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (@RepMTG) March 7, 2022
MGT is right. Not only is Vindman a clown in a uniform, a shameful, pretend example of what it means to be a soldier, but he’s also a fool that’s dragging us into an unnecessary war halfway around the world, creating a situation where Americans have to unnecessarily fight and die for interests that aren’t theirs because of a scheming elite.
Thank goodness she said it; it sure needed to be said.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will, Author at Trending Politics