Beauty and the Failed Imagination of Our Modern Minds

Beauty and the Failed Imagination of Our Modern Minds

Beauty belongs to Catholicism, yet we see fewer and fewer traces of this in our...

How to be More than Wins and Failures

How to be More than Wins and Failures

Are you struggling with staying dedicated to your work or overcoming challenges?...

Catholic Man’s Obligation to Civic Life (w/ Mark Cronenwett)

Catholic Man’s Obligation to Civic Life (w/ Mark Cronenwett)

Catholic men have a moral obligation to be involved in the political and civil life...

Benedict XVI: a teacher for the whole world

Benedict XVI: a teacher for the whole world

It was not until I got to the Jesuit-run Marquette University in Milwaukee, WI,...

On the Tenth Day of Christmas: Urbi et Orbi

On the Tenth Day of Christmas: Urbi et Orbi

Pope Francis’s address before the traditional Urbi et Orbi blessing from the balcony...

Pope St. Sylvester I

Pope St. Sylvester I

The fourth-century Pope St. Sylvester was the thirty-third Bishop of Rome and the...

The New Year and the New Testament

The New Year and the New Testament

In the ancient Roman religion, Janus was the god of new beginnings.  He is depicted...

St. Macarius of Alexandria

St. Macarius of Alexandria

St. Macarius of Alexandria, also known as Alexandria the Younger, lived in the fourth...

God Is Love: A Reflection on Benedict XVI’s Encyclicals

God Is Love: A Reflection on Benedict XVI’s Encyclicals

Editor’s note: In commemoration of the recent death of Pope Benedict XVI, Catholic...

Practical Ways to Live the Virtue of Thrift

Practical Ways to Live the Virtue of Thrift

Even in our modern secular world, the word “thrift” has a Catholic connection. According...

The Passing of a Champion for Orthodoxy

The Passing of a Champion for Orthodoxy

On the final day of 2022 at the age of 95, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI passed into...

St. Genevieve

St. Genevieve

Genevieve was born around 422 in a small village four miles from Paris. She was...

Resolve to Live the New Year with Mary

Resolve to Live the New Year with Mary

There is a story about a little boy who was afraid of the dark. His mother came...

Spiritual Insights from New Year’s Resolutions

Spiritual Insights from New Year’s Resolutions

The new year is upon us and many have already made their annual resolutions.  Many...

Our Holy Innocents Today

Our Holy Innocents Today

The Feast of the Holy Innocents should remind us of the abortion holocaust, not...

What Tucker Carlson Doesn’t Get About “Marriage” that the Left Does

What Tucker Carlson Doesn’t Get About “Marriage” that the...

It doesn’t take a genius to see how the “right to privacy” made up and established...