Breaking: CNN Expected To Make Big Changes; Opinion-Oriented Anchors “Out By The End Of Spring”

CNN continues to undergo massive changes coinciding with AT&T’s corporate handoff to new owner Discovery and the ouster of former company president Jeff Zucker. Zucker left, Chris Cuomo left, and sundry employees did the same as disgusting allegations of pedophilia came to light.

Breaking: CNN Expected To Make Big Changes; Opinion-Oriented Anchors “Out By The End Of Spring”

CNN continues to undergo massive changes coinciding with AT&T’s corporate handoff to new owner Discovery and the ouster of former company president Jeff Zucker. Zucker left, Chris Cuomo left, and sundry employees did the same as disgusting allegations of pedophilia came to light.

Ratings have been in a freefall ever since Brandon was inaugurated and over-the-top, fake news about Donald Trump couldn’t be manufactured for its unthinking viewership anymore. Covid panic porn has likewise lost its luster. So, in a battle for survival, the “news” network’s owners are realizing that simply making up hysteria after hysteria might not be a viable long-term plan.

Sources close to the network are suggesting it seeks a transition to being a more reputable news source, which will inevitably and necessarily include a change to additional public-facing personnel. Who will go and who will stay? This could get quite interesting. And entertaining.

Jon Nicosia has been following the story closely with some help from internal players. His revelations predict that the new controlling group is set on returning CNN to no-nonsense coverage and that such a realignment will require the release of prominent personalities that are far too married to bloviating opinionating.

Nicosia, under the handle of @NewsPolitics, shared a series of tweets breaking the story.

“SOURCE: John Malone, Discovery’s board member will “play a huge role in the new organization’s plans to return @CNN to its news channel roots and dismantle the partisan organization Zucker shifted it into” They continue: “This will mean a large realignment of staff”.

“SOURCE: This ‘realignment’ will start with @CNN Anchors. One (who was very close with Zucker) and will have a hard time transitioning away from opinion will “be out by the end of Spring”.

“ALSO: There is a truce between CNN and Fox. As you have seen lately. Stelter didn’t mention Fox once on Sunday. Discovery finds the war “unproductive” – More to come on the future of the “Media Reporter” at CNN.”

“SOURCE UPDATE: “Malone is using CNN’s coverage of Ukraine as an example of the news network he wants back. Excellent journalists, covering events without partisan peacocking”.

The comment on the channel war between CNN and Fox is super intriguing. Obviously both channels attract much different bases, but some folks over at CNN (see: Tater Stelter) operate entire programming and social media presences simply by commenting on what Tucker and friends are saying. It’s not interesting and reasonable people have been asking what seems like forever why Stelter continues to have a job. He is not intelligent, not interesting, extremely condescending, and in both listening and watching him, is neither pleasing to the ears nor the eyes.

The change in formatting is also welcome news – pun intended. Their coverage of Ukraine has been a disaster, but it’s hard to place that blame on CNN when everyone’s coverage of Ukraine has been a disaster. They have reporters on the ground trying to make sense of the situation, which is all anyone really asks of a news team. Go to the site, report live, and share what you’re seeing and hearing.

Is that so hard? In short time, we will find out.