Cardinal Dolan sues insurance company for Archdiocese of New York over sex abuse payouts

Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York has announced that his archdiocese is suing its long-time primary insurance company, Chubb, for “attempting to evade their legal and moral contractual obligation to settle covered claims” of sex abuse. “It has always been our wish to expeditiously settle all meritorious claims,” Dolan said on 1 October announcing the The post Cardinal Dolan sues insurance company for Archdiocese of New York over sex abuse payouts appeared first on Catholic Herald.

Cardinal Dolan sues insurance company for Archdiocese of New York over sex abuse payouts
Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York has announced that his archdiocese is suing its long-time primary insurance company, Chubb, for “attempting to evade their legal and moral contractual obligation to settle covered claims” of sex abuse. “It has always been our wish to expeditiously settle all meritorious claims,” Dolan said on 1 October announcing the The post Cardinal Dolan sues insurance company for Archdiocese of New York over sex abuse payouts appeared first on Catholic Herald.