Will This Finally Get The “Stand With Ukraine” Libs To Sit Down And Shut Up?

Look at how enflamed the Demorrhoids got when Gov DeSantis signed a law forcing public schools to wait until 4th grade to groom other people’s children. They lost their minds. (If the media went wide with this Ukraine story, progs would be pulling the yellow and blue bars off their social media avatars faster than it took Joe Biden to fubar domestic oil independence.)

Will This Finally Get The “Stand With Ukraine” Libs To Sit Down And Shut Up?

Ukraine, not surprisingly, is just another post-Soviet toilet swirling with corruption. As we pointed out Wednesday on Life with Liz with Grok, it’s what they know. And that, I surmise, is why the Left is so keen to support it. But this could put their panties in a twist.

Ukraine’s martial law requires all biological males between the ages of 18 and 60 to remain in the country and fight. And it makes no exceptions for trans women.

Transwomen trying to cross the border into Poland have been stopped, “frisked,” had their identity as biological male “confirmed,” and sent back into Ukraine. If you are a man, regardless of what you may think, you are being returned for active duty.

That’s gotta sting.

Writing at Zero Hedge, Tyler Durden notes that (emphasis in original):

Interestingly, the American press didn’t pick up the story. Could this be because it might undermine the bright shiny (definitely not nazi-ish) new heroic image of the Ukrainian government, which has been the subject of almost unanimously positive coverage in the American press?

Do you think?

Look at how enflamed the Demorrhoids got when Gov DeSantis signed a law forcing public schools to wait until 4th grade to groom other people’s children. They lost their minds. (If the media went wide with this Ukraine story, progs would be pulling the yellow and blue bars off their social media avatars faster than it took Joe Biden to fubar domestic oil independence.)

This would unhinge them, not that it takes much.

But keep this in mind as you ponder that? Imagine if the transwomen wanted to fight, and Ukraine said no?

It’s gotta be exhausting being a Liberal.

Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the Managing Editor and co-owner of GraniteGrok.com, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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Photo by Raphael Renter on Unsplash