What the media misses with its cynical take on ‘Gen Z’ embracing traditional Catholicism

Since the coining of the term “Gen Z”, older generations have maintained a steady interest in their habits. Observed with fascination, like a Neanderthal cousin who is curiously similar but evolutionarily very different, Gen Z’s likes and dislikes are continually analysed and then commented on. And now, apparently, people are getting excited because ‘Gen Z’ The post What the media misses with its cynical take on ‘Gen Z’ embracing traditional Catholicism appeared first on Catholic Herald.

What the media misses with its cynical take on ‘Gen Z’ embracing traditional Catholicism
Since the coining of the term “Gen Z”, older generations have maintained a steady interest in their habits. Observed with fascination, like a Neanderthal cousin who is curiously similar but evolutionarily very different, Gen Z’s likes and dislikes are continually analysed and then commented on. And now, apparently, people are getting excited because ‘Gen Z’ The post What the media misses with its cynical take on ‘Gen Z’ embracing traditional Catholicism appeared first on Catholic Herald.